• 中免集團總經(jīng)理陳國(guó機公)強榮獲“三一論壇”獎

    11月2日,在世界機場商業領域最大規模的國(guó都業)際會(huì)議“三一論壇”舉辦期間,中免集見到團總經(jīng)理陳國(guó)強憑借其過(guò)你河去35年持續服務于中免集團、深耕旅遊零售行業所做出的傑出貢獻榮獲20離妹22年“三一論壇”獎(Trinity Award)。“三一論壇木服”獎是該行業會(huì)議首次創設并頒發(fā)的榮譽獎項。

    《穆迪達維特免稅報告》創始人兼主席M嗎子artin Moodie爲中免集團總經(jīng)理陳國(gu人西ó)強(右)頒發(fā)“三一論壇”獎

    陳國(guó)強在“三一論壇”首日應邀車的發(fā)表了主題演講,并在次日接受了《穆迪達維特免稅報告》創始人兼主席Mar去機tin Moodie頒發(fā)的“三一論壇”獎。在緻但可頒獎詞時(shí),Martin Moodie講述了陳國(guó)強在開相業界深耕35年間對(duì)旅遊零售業發(fā)展所作出他也的巨大貢獻,并將(jiāng)其效力的中免日飛集團譽爲新冠疫情時(shí)期旅遊零售業的“燈塔”。

    Moodie told guests of Charles Chen’s拿中 immense contribution to Ch快光ina’s travel retail indust書輛ry during a career th吧她at has spanned three and 笑人a half decades. He described China Dut商歌y Free Group as “a beacon of light” to在工 the travel retail co店不mmunity through the pandemic whe中討n the rest of the ind媽吧ustry globally had bee空東n plunged into darkness.

    Martin Moodie評價道(dào),20車雪10年時(shí),中免集團在旅遊零售運營商排行榜外鄉中名列第19位,而今已成(chéng)行業第一并持續保持著(zhe)業内龍頭書吃地位。自2016年擔任領導職位以來,陳國(guó)強帶領中免集劇美團達到了一個新高度。

    China Duty Free議師 Group had risen from number 19 i年南n the global travel retail rankin又可gs in 2010 to number one a dec章飛ade later, Moodie said, a lea年現dership position it has subsequentl裡廠y strengthened. Since as票道suming his leadership role in 2016,能公 Charles Chen had driven China Duty Fr們化ee Group to extrao器算rdinary new heights,樹煙 Moodie added.


    “Charles Chen has led China Duty 很媽Free Group with vision,畫問 determination, c算謝harisma, warmth and humanity. H樂服e is an outstanding individual,” Moodi購來e said. “What a story it has be她錢en. And China Duty Free Group enj匠和oyed a fantastic ne月劇w high last Friday with醫問 the opening of the cdf年章 Haikou Internation技樹al Duty Free Shopping complex, whic筆日h includes the world’s biggest duty f場男ree duty fee reta章門il operation – no能冷t just big but also beaut的視iful.”


    Chen was greeted with a standing ova影木tion as he came to the stage to accep你醫t the award from Moodie. In a heart笑購felt speech, he thanked車金 his business partners for al下照l their support during his car紙答eer and especially du但高ring recent years in helping to 科聽propel China Duty Free什動 Group into the number o光吧ne ranking industry player. He vowed t錯月hat China Duty Free Gr見暗oup would continue to grow and to colla間兵borate closely with its business 綠數partners. He invited members of the aud雨吃ience to visit China and to disc生喝over for themselves the new資店 store in Haikou 睡雨and other aspects of the China Duty Fre厭拿e Group business.


    “Thank you very much for唱明 this award,” he said. 你話“This is not only an acknowl視來edgment for my 有地work, but also the recognition of音多 CDFG’s achievements in recen爸數t years. It really means a 那海lot to me and to低你 the company.”


    此次“三一論壇”于2022 年 11 月 1 日至 2朋報 日在新加坡舉行,由全球旅遊零售和免稅行業權威媒體《穆迪達維特免稅報告》爸遠、國(guó)際機場協會(huì)(A妹火CI World)和國(guó)際機場協會(huì)亞太區分會了器(huì)(ACI Asia Pacific)共同組織舉辦草鐘,樟宜機場集團承辦。該活動由《穆迪達維特免稅報告》于&nb到體sp;2003 年創建,旨在促進志下(jìn)全球機場運營方、旅遊零售商和品牌商的交流合作。









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